Golden Bear have recently completed their latest EP, Everest. To hear Chris, chief spokesman from the band explain, the goal of this EP was to make a record that didn't sound like their previous albums, but rather the energy of their live performances. Chris was driven nuts by the fact that their studio work didn't capture the band in their truest form: live. So when they started to work on Everest.
Here's Chris on the process, "I was a little anxious about being able to approximate the sound of our live show in the first place, but I figured to hell with it-let’s give it a shot. And I’m glad we did. There were no endless nights of playing the same song 150 times, no overscrutinaztion, and in all honesty, no hitches in the plan whatsoever. It was loose, rowdy, and rewarding-just like our shows. After finishing our parts, we brought in a couple of pals to add some sugar (Kullen Fuchs [Ian Moore, Future Clouds & Radar] and Sara Beck [aka Pink Nasty]), got our friend Erik Wofford (who produced our first album, as well as albums by Voxtrot, Explosions In The Sky, and The Black Angels) to mix the songs, and Everest was done and ready to go."
It's a raucous ride through indie rockdom that sounds something like the Unicorns meets Arcade Fire meets Modest Mouse and maybe even Wolf Parade. Honestly though, who cares what bands Golden Bear sounds like. It's just damn good indie rock that you need in your life.
Download: Night Lights
Download: All The Stars
Here's Chris on the process, "I was a little anxious about being able to approximate the sound of our live show in the first place, but I figured to hell with it-let’s give it a shot. And I’m glad we did. There were no endless nights of playing the same song 150 times, no overscrutinaztion, and in all honesty, no hitches in the plan whatsoever. It was loose, rowdy, and rewarding-just like our shows. After finishing our parts, we brought in a couple of pals to add some sugar (Kullen Fuchs [Ian Moore, Future Clouds & Radar] and Sara Beck [aka Pink Nasty]), got our friend Erik Wofford (who produced our first album, as well as albums by Voxtrot, Explosions In The Sky, and The Black Angels) to mix the songs, and Everest was done and ready to go."
It's a raucous ride through indie rockdom that sounds something like the Unicorns meets Arcade Fire meets Modest Mouse and maybe even Wolf Parade. Honestly though, who cares what bands Golden Bear sounds like. It's just damn good indie rock that you need in your life.
Download: Night Lights
Download: All The Stars
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