Sounding like an indie pop dream come true, the band's latest single "Stars Still Pretty," sounds a bit like Modest Mouse if they dressed up in outfits like Of Montreal and came from New York. Confused? You should be because Aeroplane Pageant are a grandiose mixture of all sorts of influences that sound like a pixie stick induced sugar rush. It's sweeping pop that's quirky and even has a beat you can dance to. Summer anthem? Could very well be.
As for the album, Even The Kids Don't Believe Me, it's American-made, barely punk, with some last-minute domestic surrealism. Even the Kids Don't Believe Me was initiated in a winter-rental beach house on Long Island. From there the compiled audio and other non-musical elements were transferred over to Treefort Studio in Dumbo, Brooklyn where Shane Patrick Stoneback (Vampire Weekend, Jim Jarmusch, White Stripes) could gloss, pry, and/or add to the standing material. With the release of Even the Kids Don't Believe Me this summer, the group continues their march towards obvious superstardom and all are encouraged to sing along the way.
Help them on their quest and pick up the album when it comes out in two weeks (June 9th). In the meantime download the single and skip to the beat!
Download: Stars Still Pretty