Friday, August 31, 2012

The Asteroid Shop's Distant Luxury

Meet The Asteroid Shop; the brainchild of Eric Brendo.  As The Asteroid Shop Brendo takes the band into a world full of elegance & pain, of ease and tension all at once. This is especially evident on several tracks like “Dandelion,” “Destroyer” and “Ashes.” The band skims through the same vast sea as contemporaries Richard Hawley, Spiritualized and Richard Ashcroft and channeling, at once, the likes of Mazzy Star, early Pink Floyd, The Secret Machines and of course, My Bloody Valentine.

The Asteroid Shop is a rare treat for folks who still look for craft in their songs.To date the band has released a self-titled album and in 2012 the band has regroupled to create the new EP Distant Luxury which you can check out a track from below.

Download: Distant Luxury

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