Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Byron Issues Deep Lyrics, Dirty Beats 2

is a very interesting character; successful as part of Nine High in Australia, he's formerly an English teacher with a passion for lyrics and storytelling fuelled by his desire to say something about his suburban surroundings in a very raw, yet eloquent way.

From middle-England Slough, this is a place that infiltrates everything Byron does and everything he says. His frustration at his surroundings and the things he sees culminate in intelligent and informed stories with an articulate delivery and razor-sharp wit.

The release of 'Deep Lyrics, Dirty Beats 1' last year made everyone from The Independent to SBTV sit up and take notice and now Byron is taking things to the next level with 'Deep Lyrics, Dirty Beats 2.' You can download the whole damn thing below for free. Well worth your time...trust us.

Download: Deep Lyrics, Dirty Beats 2
Watch: Don't Judge A Book

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